Total Authorized:
Total Issued:
Total Unissued:
Note: Authorizations and issuances for refunding are excluded from totals.


Prop Purpose Amount For/Against Issued Unissued
B Water, Sewer & Drainage $78,200,000 (Vote counts are unknown) N/A N/A
C Road $50,600,000 (Vote counts are unknown) N/A N/A
Total $128,800,000 N/A N/A
The following propositions were excluded from the unissued total
Prop Purpose Amount For/Against Issued Unissued
D Refunding W&S and Drg $117,300,000 (Vote counts are unknown) N/A N/A
E Refunding Road $75,900,000 (Vote counts are unknown) N/A N/A
Total $193,200,000 N/A N/A